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- This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 8 months ago by
May 25, 2016 at 5:35 am #858
KeymasterDear Members:
Its hard to believe that this will be our last newsletter for this year but this year will soon be over.
The Pictorial Memories Book is in the hands of the printer. After two years of hard dedicated work by Barbara Long, Corinnia Banker and myself this is the best news I can write about. I cannot give you a definite date for the delivery but it should be in time to give as Christmas presents or just to give as thinking of you gifts. I want to thank everyone for their pre-orders. The preorders is what has given us the money to get this book printed. We are a society that exists on a shoe-string from month to month and this has been an expensive project for us to complete but complete it will soon be, so tell your family and friends to purchase a copy of Pictorial Memories before we sell all of them. This book will become more valuable as time passes. So dont miss out on the opportunity to purchase this book.
A few things coming in the future, more cemeteries being surveyed and will be published, additional funeral home records added to our files, military records and hopefully a few more birth records.
Come and visit our Library new items are added each month. Volunteer a day or more each month to help keep our Library open for the many out of town and state visitors.
Till next year,
Each query should be submitted on separate 8 ‘A x 11″ paper bearing the name, address and phone number of submitter. State in 30 words or less. Accompanied by payment of stated fees:
AHGS Member No charge, for Non-Member $1.00 per query
Mail all queries to AHGS Historian,
AHGS reserves the right to edit queries.
Deadlines for publication are: 1st day of December, March, June, and September.
All originals will be retained by the Society.PICK UP PEN AND WRITE
This is your newsletter: it would be appreciated if you would submit articles to be published in future issues, to help make them more interesting. What would you like to see printed in them? Let us hear from you! Send to: Newsletter: Alleghany Highlands Genealogical Society
Sponsored by AHGS
“A bit of news we have today”
A cakeless cake sale is on the way.
In these busy days, now who would bake
Pies or cookies or even a cake?You’d be surprised if you counted the cost
Of material, heat, and the time you’d lost.
Cooking for a sale is extra work,
Yet nobody really wishes to shirk.So we’ve thought of a plan that’s truly grand,
And feel quite sure you’ll understand.
In this envelope please put the price
Of a pie or cake or something nice.Without fuss or bother you’ve done your part
Were sure you’ll give with a willing heart.
This is the end of our little taleHelp us, please with our CAKELESS CAKE SALE.”
(A fund-raise for the A.H.G.S.)
AHGS Genealogical Research Services
PURPOSE: To provide a linkage between researchers and documented resources in the Alleghany Highlands of Virginia.
The Alleghany Highlands Genealogical Society does not have a certified genealogist on its staff. We do have volunteer researchers who will assist AHGS by responding to persons requesting research assistance for a fee. Researchers will locate and provide copies of documents. They will answer specific inquiries, respond to queries and make referrals to other sources of information.
Members performing the research are in service to the AHGS and all fees will be paid to the Society. A base fee of $10.00 per hour will be charged for time spent in conducting the search and a minimum of one (1) hour, or $20.00, must be paid in advance to secure the services of the Society. The charge of $10.00 shall apply to an hour or any part of an hour. Research activities will be limited to the geographic boundaries of Alleghany County (including the cities of Clifton Forge and Covington), Virginia. Additionally, AHGS will provide at no extra cost, a listing in the query section of the Societys newsletter. No research will be initiated until the required advance payment of $10.00 is received.
Sources of information will include, but may not be limited to, the Societys library, private collections, local Court Houses, public and private libraries, and other institutions. All sources will be included on any documentation provided. Document copy fees will be assessed as follows:
AHGS Library copies $ .25 to 1.00
Courthouse documents $1.25
Public library copies $ .65
Photographs 3X5″ $2.00Copy Tests fees will be based on the current rate charged by the Courthouse or other source. Copy Tests documents will be obtained only when required by the source, or requested by the person requesting the research. Shipping and handling of copies are included in the fees listed above. All fees are subject to change without notice.
AHGS assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the contents of copied documents, but does assure that any copies provided are representative of extant source documents. Each copy shall be imprinted with the identity of the source document.
Mail research requests to: LIBRARIAN, Alleghany Highlands Genealogical Society,
Samuel… A Ship with Lots of Roots
The following is an excerpt from a letter received by the editor, from Charlie Leighton.
In the October 1996 edition there was an article by Donna Dressier Miller. I missed it when I first read the letter. The thing that caught by eye was “German port of Rotterdam” then “The Samuel.”
Would you believe my Armentrout ancestors were on the same ship!
Anna E. Hain Ermentraudt was on the ship SAMUEL that arrived in Philadelphia, Pa., August 27,1739. They came from Palatinate, Holy Roman Empire, near Limburg, Germany. Her husband, Michael Ermentraudt was reported to have died in Germany or Rotterdam. Anna was accompanied by her seven children. Three of the children, Johannes, Johannes Peter and Johan Frederick were on the Captains List as they were males over 16 years. Four other males, Christopole, b: 1725; Johan Hinerich, b: 1727; Johan Georg., b: 1729; under 16 years, and one female, Anna, b: 1720. Being under 16 years of age or female, none of the other names appeared on the Captains List.
As with Donnas ancestors, the Ermentraudts settled in Lancaster Co., now Berks Co., Pennsylvania.
Johannes, with his father-in-law Adam Hedderich, found good and cheap land in Augusta County, and moved the family there in 1752. His brothers migrated to other parts of Virginia and the name changed to many different spellings, Ermontroudt, Armintrout, Armontrout. My Grandfather, John William and his father Cornelius, spelled the name Armentrout and ended up in Rockbridge County.
Thanks Charlie for sharing this with our readers, The Editor
Alleghany County Circuit Court, Will Book?, Page 494
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN: I, Abraham WOLF, of Alleghany County, do make this my last Will and Testament as follows, that is to say: My desire is to be buried with as little expense as decency will permit and all my debts and funeral expenses be paid as soon after my decease as conveniently may be. And I give all my messuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments whatsoever, situate lying and being in Alleghany County, with appurtenances unto my dear wife Jane Wolf, for and during the time that she may remain my widow, and also my will is that (my) dear wife is to have all the rents and profits that may accrue from the said premises to her own proper use and support as long as she may continue my widow.
AND I give unto my dear wife all my cattle, hogs, sheep, and brood mare. And I also give and bequeath unto my said wife all my household furniture, linen, plates, at the time of my decease, for her own absolute, as long as he continue my widow. Secondly, I give and bequeath all my estate, messuages, land, tenements, hereditaments, and premises situated in Alleghany County which consists of lands and tenements with the appurtenances, together with all the fixtures, outbuildings, live and dead stock, horses, cattle, furniture of all kinds belonging thereto to my nearest heir, to its heirs forever, to hold to them forever, being a son or daughter. That is to say, if there is any child or issue of the marriage of myself and Jane my lawful wife, I give and bequeath unto my dear brother George W. Wolf my riding saddle. And I give and bequeath unto William Arrington my wagon and harness and all my farming utensils belonging to my farm.
I give and bequeath my young horse now three years old unto Isaac Wolf, the son of Jacob Wolf (Miller Jacob). I give and bequeath unto my dear sister Eliza R. Arrington my kitchen cupboard and kitchen table.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, to this my last will and testament, I have set my hand and seal the 3rd day of February 1870.
Abraham Wolf
(signature)Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Samuel Wilson, Philip N. Craft
In the March 1871 term of the Court, Jenetta renounced (p.543) Philip N. Craft who witnessed the will became the second husband of Jenetta (“Jane”) (Arrington) Wolf, Abraham Wolf’s widow.
Despite wording of the will which implies he might have died before the child was born, Abraham Wolf seems to have died in May 1870, for the will was proved May 16, 1870. In the March 1871 term of the Court, Jenetta (“Jane”) Wolf renounced.
There was indeed one child born to the marriage of Abraham Wolfe and Jenetta (“fane) Arrington
1897. Ollie Isabelle Wolf b. March 101870, d. Nov 15, 1897. She was at home 1870. About 1885 she m. Alleghany Co., Jacob Harrison Jamison, b. fully 14, 1863, d. July 22 1906 s/o George Marion and Mary Elizabeth (Wolf) Jamison. Jacob Harrison Jamison was a bro/o James Henry Jamison who m. Joressia Dovie Reid.
Submitted by: Louise Perkins
Prominent Farmer is Instantly Killed During Runaway Accident in County
Mr. John Hess, one of the best known farmers of Clarke County, Va., who lives on the Dulaney farm, not far from Opsquon Creek, which divides Frederick and Clarke counties, was found dead at 1:30 oclock this afternoon at the foot of a steep hill near the old Skeare place, four and one-half miles southeast of Winchester, by Mr. Henry S. Jenkins, the well known proprietor of the Winchester and Mill Wood Stage Line.
Indications pointed to Mr. Hess breath having been cut off by a wagon that had fallen upon him, and one edge of the wagon seat was lying across him. He was evidently unable to move on account of the heavyweight upon him and in that manner he literary chocked to death.
Mr. Hess had started for Winchester with a wagon load of turkeys for the local market, and was driving a one-horse wagon. He was accompanied by a small boy named Chapman. His horse, it is said, traveled until it reached a point about a mile. It is thought the animal became frightened and dashed off the road and. down the hill near the Shearer farm. The wagon was carried along with the horse, and the turkeys were strewn along the hillside.
When Mr. Jenkins reached the scene, while on his way to Winchester in his mothers bus, the Chapman boy was screaming for help at the top of his voice. He was pinned under the wagon and could not get out.
Mr. Jenkins ran down the hill, expecting to lift the wagon off Mr. Hess and the Chapman boy, and save the farmers life, but Mr. Hess was dead at the time. He was lying flat on his back, and a portion of the wagon seat had cut off his breath.
It is thought Mr. Hess was rendered unconscious by the fall down the steep him; otherwise, he may have been able to lift the wagon up enough to get from under it. John Madegan came along shortly. Meantime, Mr. Jenkins had lifted the wagon off Mr. Hess and the Chapman boy. Mr. Jenkins hastened on to Winchester and notified Sheriff Pannett, who left at once for the scene of the tragedy accompanied by Porter Hayslett, a friend of the dead man.
Later in the afternoon Sheriff Pannett requested Dr. E. C. Stuart to go to the place where Mr. Hess had been killed in order that expert testimony may be had, although it appeared to be dear that Mr. Hess had come to his death purely by accident. The Chapman boy was not hurt.
Mr. Hess, who was about 55 years old, was married twice. He is survived by his second wife, together with a large family of children, some by his first marriage and others by his second. He had a great many warm friends in Winchester, and all were greatly shocked when news of his tragic death was received in town this afternoon.
Submitted by Barbara Long
The 1838 Murders of the Mayse Sisters
Taken from “Times Past” The Bath County Recorder-May 30, 1997… by Hugh Gwin
Two little girls, one eight years old and the other seven, were murdered August 10, 1838, by two slaves of their father as they walked home from school in the area of present day Bacova.
The victims were Mary and Margaret Mayse, children of a prosperous landowner, George Mayse. They were killed with a knife as they responded to the lure of a good blackberry patch where the slaves, Andy and Lucinda, were lying in wait for them. The couple were tried and hanged in the Gallows Hallow near the old Bath County Courthouse at Warm Springs, September 24, 1838.
The Mayse familys plantation house still stands just north of Bacova and is now owned by Toopie, Nancy and Mrs. F. G. Thompson. The school the children attended was near the old Huntersville Turnpike (Route 39) at the top of the slate hill. It was conducted by Mrs. Robert Ptomey.
A few days before the murders, Mayse had attempted to whip Lucinda, but she got away, making threats that she had never been whipped by a man and that if it happened there would be murder.
Mayse apparently made no further effort to chastise her but bought a new plaited cowhide whip which he put in a conspicuous place as a warning to his slaves to improve their conduct. George Mayse never used the whip but Lucinda nevertheless planned revenge.
In an account of the murders put together in the 1930s from court records, it appears that on August 10, Lucinda asked her mistress for permission to go pick blackberries. The request was granted but the pleas for the girls Mary and Margaret to go along after school was denied for fear of snakes.
Lucinda had a daughter Caroline who was nurse to the younger Mayse children. Caroline was granted permission to join her mother and on the way met the two girls who were returning from the school. Caroline directed the children to the berry patch where they were grabbed by Andy and Lucinda and killed. Lucinda then took a pan of berries to Mrs. Mayse and remarked that it was sundown and the girls had not come from school.
Andy and Lucinda led in a search party for the missing girls and it was Caroline that led the search party to the dead girls. Andy and Lucinda were immediate suspects. The clothes worn by them were introduced as evidence and bore many blood splotches. Lucindas dress was covered with spots, some of which she had tried to wash out and others to cover with flour.
The trial of Lucinda and Andy was held two weeks after the murders, August 24. Alexander H. H. Stuart was appointed by the court as counsel for the defendants, with a fee of $20. There was no jury and nine gentlemen justices were impaneled to try the case: John D. Hamilton, Joseph Burger, William C. Rider, John Cauley, Alexander H. McClintic, Robert L. Wallace, Andrew Sitlington, John Cleek, Jr. and Thomas Sitlington.
Lucinda and Andy were tried first for murdering Mary Mayse, and sentenced to be hung a month hence, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. The evidence in the trial for murdering Margaret was identical as was the sentence. Caroline appeared as a witness against her mother and was found not guilty but was ordered to be sent out of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
The court agreed that Mayse should be compensated for the loss of the couple through the execution and allowed $800 for Andy and $400 for Lucinda. There was some evidence indicated the two had planned to murder their master but that he was absent from the plantation on business all day August 10.
Submitted by Dorinda Jack
July 12, 2017 at 11:07 pm #912AHGS
KeymasterSo sad, some of the books that I have read are really quality, but hope there is another good reason to start again. I hope that I can still get newsletter and updates to whatever changes they may have in the future.
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